Monday, March 15, 2010

Spontaneous Photoshoot

Yesterday's weather was amazing!!!!! Perfect picture taking day and a drive down the river with my family in the Land Rover. I never want to ride in that thing:) but, Ryan cleaned it out really good so off we went with the sunroofs and windows down and Micah singing "all the single ladies" combined with "O happy day"???????? crazy girl, have no idea where she gets that from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)))))
Our first stop is this property that has a whole side of their garage painted an American Flag.........We had seen it before, but every time Ryan stops to ask if we can use it for a background, nobody answers and usually there are 3-10 cars piled in front.. not kidding:) Today there was only one car and the owner said we could snap away.  Flags waving in the air make me tear up, and now this huuuuuge at least 10x18 site of a flag was overwhelming!!!!! My sister in law commented that  my brother was very proud of the pic, but it was missing a few things (a nascar hat and some guns) nice bubby:)))hahaha
It turned out to be a very relaxing day, all day long I just kept noticing how big Micah seemed to me particularly yesterday. She looked older, we were having conversation, she was actually doing what I told her to do, she laughed with me and at me as I climbed some rugged old ladder.
Even though I am with her everyday, every hour, every minute, every second:))))))))), there are just some moments that I can't believe she's my little girl!! I'm her mommy and she looks up to me.. YIKES, and she's not a baby anymore, this day will only come once!!!!!!! it's crazy to me!!! and I'm sooooo crazy in love with her!!!


  1. I love these pictures. You are both so beautiful and I am glad you are part of my life. You are my life.

  2. Hey I gave you an award... :) Come to my blog and pass it on....
