Wednesday, February 17, 2010

one of my talks with God..

So, last wednesday I was driving back from having lunch with Ryan downtown. We had'nt even talked about Ryanblackfilms over lunch, but my mind became overwhelmed at just thinking of all there was to do, all the decisions to make,etc. I immediately took it to God out loud and every few minutes had to answer Micah questioning me "mommy, who are you talking to?" "I'm just talking to God, babydoll"... "Where is he?" she asked me.... and then I threw back my iphone to entertain her :))
 I just prayed a simple prayer to God, we want you to ultimately be glorified in every project, that we would be wise and be able to discern when to say yes and when to say no (which is not easy for Ryan)... I asked God to send clients that are professional, legit:) and would pay my husband what he's worth,, pretty much that we not be taken advantage of:)))  and asked God to give Ryan the confidence he lacks that only can come from Him. There were alot of requests going up:))
 Later, that afternoon Ryan received 3 calls for work, an advertising Firm and 2 Pastors wanting to set up meetings with Ryan to discuss business!!!!!! AND THEN a few days ago Ryan informs me an intern position has opened up underneath Phillip Bloom, director/filmmaker...........   The intern is not a long term thing, just so u know we are'nt moving away or anything....The experience Ryan would gain from this would be just incredible and I think fuel Ryan and his talent even more!!!!  It is very safe to say Ryan is OBSESSED with this man and his work.  So, anyway, we don't know yet if its a go, but I think it's cool the opportunity is there. We'll see where it takes us.... I'm just very excited for my husband and anxious to see what God does!!!
 Romans 11:33-Message Translation---  says Everything comes from Him; Everything happens through Him; Everything ends up in Him. Always glory!! Always Praise!!
Website is in the works.. So far, here is the logo..

1 comment:

  1. I love the logo! Good luck and I hope he does get the intern position! He will be awesome with this and just needs to keep doing what he does. I love the pics and video he takes, they are all so good.
